Our projects
Whether it’s roadwork updates or insights into local developments, we want you to know what’s happening and what’s around the corner. Keep in the loop on what projects and construction we have going on in Perimeter and, better yet, what’s to come.
Of improved highway along ga-400 and i-285
Of collector distributor lanes created
Merge conflict areas within the interchange area
GA-400 Express Lanes
Traffic Changes: TBD – Project in design phase.

Construction Timeline:
Traffic Changes:
TBD – Project in conception phase.
The project will provide a bike/pedestrian route that runs more than 5 miles and serves as a greenway that connects Buckhead to Perimeter. Path 400 will eventually join the Atlanta Beltline, providing a key link to the regional trail network.
This is a two-stage project, starting construction in late 2023, that will build a multi-use trail along Ashford Dunwoody Road from Hammond Drive north to Mt. Vernon. It’s being delivered in collaboration with the City of Dunwoody and the generosity of property owners along Ashford Dunwoody.
This project is adding a multi-use trail to Mt. Vernon from Sandy Springs MARTA Station west over GA-400. Once fully completed, this segment will continue all the way to City Springs and Sandy Springs City Hall.

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